Luxion KeyShot Pro是一个互动性的光线追踪与全域光渲染程序,无需复杂的设定即可产生相片般真实的3D渲染影像。 KeyShot™ 正式发布,取代先前的 HyperShot。 KeyShot™ 意为”The Key to Amazing Shots”,是一个互动性的光线追踪与全域光渲染程序,无需复杂的设定即可产生相片般真实的3D渲染影像。 该软件与Solidworks的Photoview 360,Luxology modo渲染器及Autodesk Showcase,还有Bunkspeed HyperDrive,都是有名的急速工业渲染器,但其对文件的兼容性是这几个软件里目前最多的。 Luxion Keyshot Pro V3.1.26 WIN32/WIN64 XFORCE KeyShot is an entirely CPU based standalone 3D rendering and animation system for 3D data. It has been designed to take the complexity out of rendering realistic images. KeyShot is used by designers, engineers and CG professionals worldwide to quickly and easily create realistic images and animations of their 3D models 115网盘永久+FTP迅雷高速地址:
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