[工业设计] 工程计算软件破解版 PTC MathCAD Prime 2.0 F000 32bit & 64bit

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工程计算软件破解版 PTC MathCAD Prime 2.0 F000 32bit & 64bit

  PTC®公司近日宣布,推出其一流工程计算软件的最新版本Mathcad® Prime& #8482; 2.0。Mathcad强大的功能、开放式的架构加上简单易用的数学公式,帮助工程师及团队优化关键设计流程。Mathcad Prime 2.0提供了一个全新的、以任务为基础的用户界面——使工程师能够集中精力开发工程计算,而不是格式化设计文件。
  法国必维国际检验集团(Bureau Veritas)冶金工艺项目经理Martin Van Wyck表示:“Mathcad Prime 2.0的操作指南很实用,能快捷迅速地提供软件的相关信息。Mathcad Prime 2.0中全新的矩阵选择和设置大大优于旧版本。总而言之,Mathcad Prime 2.0简单易用、用户界面友好且直观。”

  Mathcad将计算、文字和图像以一种易于理解的形式表达出来,使知识的获取、重用和设计验证变得更加方便,从而提高产品质量并加快产品上市的速度。作为PTC产品开发系统(PDS)的一部分,Mathcad与其它PTC产品包括Creo& #8482;Elements/Pro& #8482;(曾名Pro/ENGINEER)和Windchill®集成到一起,将提高企业生产率,改进流程效率,并实现个人和团体之间更好的合作。
  Mathcad Prime 1.0的亮点包括:
  & #61548; 基于任务的新界面 —— 促进生产力的同时,使用户能轻松快速的掌握新功能或特征。
  & #61548; 以文档为中心的计算环境 —— 使用户能够建立详细的、专业的工程设计文档,包括快速、轻松的复杂计算、使用实时的标准数学公式及文本、图形和图表。此外,文档对于非Mathcad用户来说也易于阅读和理解,从而支持了设计和工程知识在整个企业内的有效传递。
  & #61548; 先进的数学探测功能 —— 强大的功能使其能根据不同环境全力支持显示、处理、分析和绘图数据。
  & #61548; 动态单位支持 —— 全面支持Mathcad Prime 1.0中产生的所有计算单位。通过减少错误和提高结果准确率,从而改善流程效率。
  & #61548; 直观的公式编辑器 —— WYSIWYG(所见即所得)的公式编辑器帮助用户使用普通的数学符号来表达问题的制约因素和解决方案,使用户专注于计算,减少操纵文档所花费的时间。
  PTC Mathcad业务部高级总经理Jake Simpson表示:“PTC公司将继续对Mathcad进行技术投资,以确保我们的客户拥有最好的工程计算工具。Mathcad Prime 1.0使用户能够集中精力解决复杂的工程问题,花费更少的时间处理设计文件的格式。合适的格式将获取计算内容,因此能更容易的解决问题,更好的解释工程计划。结构合理、文档清晰的工具将更好的支持优秀的设计决策。当Mathcad与最佳实践如数据管理结合时,将成为工程团队的公认标准和知识产权,能获取和管理关键的设计历史。”

  PTC (纳斯达克:PMTC)开发、销售及支持产品开发软件解决方案与相关服务,帮助企业实现其产品开发策略并优化其流程。通过部署高度集成的PTC CAD与企业PLM解决方案,企业与机构能够更好的在整个生命周期中创建与管理产品信息,从而实现最佳产品开发的成功。

工程计算软件破解版 PTC MathCAD Prime 2.0 F000 32bit & 64bit

PTC MathCAD Prime 2.0 F000 32bit & 64bit
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese

Mathcad Prime 2.0, next version of the company's best-in-class engineering calculation software. The powerful capabilities coupled with its open architecture and easy-to-use live mathematical notation functionality allow engineers and organizations to streamline critical design processes.

About PTC

PTC is all about helping discrete manufacturers succeed by meeting their globalization, time-to-market, and operational efficiency objectives in product development. As one of the world's largest and fastest-growing software companies, we deliver a complete portfolio of integral Product Lifecycle Management solutions to over 25,000 customers in the Industrial, High Tech, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Consumer, and Medical Device industries.

Our people and technology enable teams to collaborate across departments—and across continents—helping you create innovative products that meet your customer needs and comply with industry regulations. In addition to best-in-class solutions, we also deliver expert training, software support, and world-class services both through PTC Global Services and a vast partner ecosystem--so you get the maximum value and ROI from your PTC software. Whether you’re a small or mid-sized business looking to migrate from 2D to 3D, or a global enterprise managing multiple product lifecycles, you’ll find exactly what you need with PTC -- the Product Development Company.


Mathcad Prime 2.0 simplifies engineering calculation documentation through its document centric, what-you-see-is-what-you-get-approach. It combines equations, text and graphics in a presentable format, making it easy to perform, document and share calculations and design work. With access to over 600 built-in engineering calculation functions, users can display, manipulate, analyze and plot data with full units support throughout the application.

Key Benefits:

- Create complex, professional engineering documents, quickly, and easily
- Manipulate, analyze and plot data with full units support
- No difficult programming language or syntax to learn
- Track complex calculations for verification and validation

What's new in PTC MathCAD Prime 2.0: www.ptc.com

Name: PTC MathCAD Prime
Version: 2.0 F000 32bit & 64bit
Creator: www.ptc.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 756.6 mb & 806.1 m


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Flashman 发表于 2012-3-10 12:14:58 | 显示全部楼层
ghlu 发表于 2012-3-15 20:02:22 | 显示全部楼层
Flashman 发表于 2012-3-10 12:14 工程计算软件破解版 PTC MathCAD Prime 2.0 F000 32bit & 64bit

夏殇 发表于 2012-3-18 18:13:15 | 显示全部楼层
填甜 发表于 2012-4-2 22:16:01 | 显示全部楼层
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Vista 发表于 2012-9-4 11:21:20 | 显示全部楼层
hbhkl 发表于 2012-10-7 15:17:21 | 显示全部楼层
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DD00DD 发表于 2012-10-24 04:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
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