本合集是关于逼真人物角色皮肤贴图Blender着色器,大小:4 MB,格式:.blend,使用软件:Blender,供广大设计师学习参考。
Skin shader for EEVEE (Simple version).
Skin shader for Cycles (Advanced version).
PBR Ready (Get same results under different light scenarios).
Customizable colors for different skin areas.
Have different SSS radius scale for different areas from the model.
Get a colorful representation on how the scattering is working on different areas.
PDF User Guide. (Step by Step guide and a section of tips to get more realistic skin).
You will also get any future update.
With the incorporation of the “Principled BSDF” and the implementation of the SSS Random Walk, we can get really good results out of the box. The negative side is that we dont have too much control.
This is when this shader comes usefull. What about if we want to have a variety of skin tones in different zones, for example we want a blueish skin tone in the cheeks, a more redish tone for the nose and ears, and a more neutral tone for the rest of the face. With this skin shader you can have better control over the tones and look of your characters skin.
With the default SSS shader in Blender we also lack the ability to control how much light we want to pass throught the model in diferent zones. This is called SSS radius and with the default SSS shader we can only have one single scale radius in over all model.
With the Skin ZShader you can have more control over the radius scales, and have diferent scales for diferent face areas. For example the light scattering throught the ear helix is not the same as the scattering of the cheeks.
This shader is intended to work better with a color map and a thickenss map. Inside the product you will have a guide where i explain how can you do thickness maps inside blender and how to use baked thickness maps from external softwares like Substance Painter or Marmoset. Inside the guide i will also give you a step by step workflow on how i use the shader and also i give you a lot of tips how to get better realistic skin results.
If you always wanted to give a better realistc look to your character you can do it easily with the Skin ZShader, also works very well for cartoonish or more stylized characters.