本合集是关于SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio VRay材质预设合集V2.3.0版(本体+升级补丁),大小:13.4 +1.3 GB,支持3ds Max 2013 - 2021版软件,语言:英语。
SIGERSHADERS V-Ray Material Presets Pro是一个V-ray材质预置脚本文件,收集了979多个材质。包括皮革,釉面,金属,液体,塑料,木材,轿车漆,布料等多种材质预设,结合V-ray渲染器可以方便的选择理想的材质。
更多相关内容请关注:3DS MAX插件专区,3dsMax视频教程专区,中文字幕教程专区
![SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio VRay材质预设合集V2.3.0版 SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio VRay材质预设合集V2.3.0版](https://www.rrcg.cn/data/attachment/forum/202004/27/110728t8iud1xyrkm8ikkd.jpg)
The Siger Studio’s XSMP for 3ds Max is a continuation of well-known plugins family: V-Ray Material Presets Pro (VMPP), Corona Material Presets Pro (CMPP) and Material Repository Pro (MRP).
But at the same time it’s a completely new software created from scratch. Therefore versions of the program are started over again from 1.0.0.
The idea of the software dates back to 2006 – the first free material manager written with MaxScript (had only a few free material libraries). The history of the commercial plugin began in 2009 (C# and MaxScript).
Nowadays – written in C# / C++ and has hundreds of material presets, fast and convenient material manager, material lab for testing your materials.
XSMPmax comes in several editions: Repo, Professional and Studio. Compare the features of each edition to select the one that meets your requirements.
更多相关内容请关注:3DS MAX插件专区,3dsMax视频教程专区,中文字幕教程专区