本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的MARI 2.0全面核心视频教程,Digital-Tutors Introduction to MARI 2.0,时长:4小时34分,大小:2.61 GB,FLV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:MARI 2.0,作者:Eddie Russell,官方发布日期:2013年5月,语言:英语。
MARI是一款全新的具有创造性的3D纹理绘制产品,最初在Weta Digital开发,主要用来解决高细节的纹理问题,后被用于影片《阿凡达》、《第九区》等的开发制作中。MARI能够轻松处理高细节——数以万计的复杂纹理——快速且简单。MARI深受欢迎,并收到了来自各式各样的纹理绘制社区的预定请求,这其中不乏Double Negative和Framestore这样的大客户。
Digital-Tutors Introduction to MARI 2.0
MARI has become the new standard in texture painting and a revolutionary addition to the production pipelines in many studios.
With the release of MARI 2.0, the texture painting experience has not just improved but in fact its been completely overhauled to incorporate some tools, techniques and workflows you’ll probably recognize.
In this MARI training, we will walk through each and every basic feature of MARI, and work to get you up to speed and painting in no time. This tutorial will cover in detail MARI’s projection based painting workflow and all of the tools and techniques that you’ll need to be successful.
Along the way, we’ll be learning about many of the exciting new features inside of MARI 2.0 including a personal favorite: the inclusion of layers and a true layer based workflow. We’ll learn about this and many other new features, including adjustment layers, procedural layers and much much more.
Whether you are a MARI veteran or a MARI newcomer, this tutorial has something for everyone. Strap in, warm up your painting and get ready to learn.