本书籍是关于微软游戏开放与管理工具书籍,大小:12.66 MB,格式:PDF高清,共292页,语言:英语。人人素材整理发布。
Microsoft XNA(X代表Xbox&DirectX等微软掌握的技术;N代表Next generation,表示微软统一游戏开发平台的决心 A代表Architecture,表示微软对XNA的定位),完全支援已管理的运行环境,由微软提供用以帮助电脑游戏开发、电脑软件开发及管理的一些工具。XNA把游戏设计员从"反复刻版编程"中解放出来还把游戏开发上的所有需要结合到一个系统之中。。XNA 工具集在2004年3月24日在美国加州圣荷西市的en:Game Developers Conference首次亮相,第一个公开技术预览在2006年3月14日推出,3.0版本于2008年10月30日推出。4.0版本已经于2010年9月推出,并支持WP7.
3D Graphics with XNA Game Studio 4.0
This book is designed as a step-by-step tutorial that can be read through from beginning to end, with each chapter building on the last. Each section, however, can also be used as a reference for implementing various camera models, special effects, etc. The chapters are filled with illustrations, screenshots, and example code, and each chapter is based around the creation of one or more example projects. By the end of the first chapter you will have created the framework that is used and improved upon for the rest of the book, and by the end of the book you will have implemented dozens of special effects, camera types, lighting models and more using that framework. This book is mainly written for those who are familiar with object oriented programming and C# and who are interested in taking 3D graphics of their XNA games to the next level. This book will be useful as learning material for those who are new to graphics and for those who are looking to expand their toolset. Also, it can be used by game developers looking for an implementation guide or reference for effects or techniques they are already familiar with.
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