本教程是由PhotoshopCS5数字手绘女性角色概念草图高级人人素材教程,时长:3小时41分,附工程源文件(107M),使用软件:Photoshop CS5,作者:Eddie Russell,官方发布时间:2011年11月23日。 Photoshop是Adobe公司旗下最为出名的图像处理软件之一,集图像扫描、编辑修改、图像制作、广告创意,图像输入与输出于一体的图形图像处理软件,深受广大平面设计人员和电脑美术爱好者人人素材的喜爱。CS5加入了全面改进后的高清视频渲染引擎Mercury,尤其是其视频处理软件Premiere Pro。Mercury可以利用显卡的图形处理能力加速对高清格式视频的编解码和播放,当然不是所有的显卡,由于和NVIDIA之前达成的协议,Mercury只 支持NVIDIA的显卡。 Digital-Tutors Creating Stylized Female Character Concepts in Photoshop CS5 In this tutorial we will learn about a workflow that can be used to design stylized female characters with Photoshop CS5. We’ll get started by learning about a few things that should be considered for every character we design. Here we will discuss the importance of things like character intent, character back story as well as references. Once our direction has been established, we’ll jump in and spend some time doing concept sketches. After our initial character design has been settled upon, we will move on and begin exploring our character by rendering them in different poses. To wrap the tutorial up, we’ll learn about techniques that can be used to create inked line-work as well as cell shaded color for our character. After completing this tutorial, you’ll be familiar with a workflow that can be used to develop stylized characters in Photoshop. 115网盘永久下载地址+FTP迅雷高速地址:
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