本软件是关于World Creator三维地形景观设计软件V2.1.0版,大小:580 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享
World Creator是一款功能相当强大的地形景观生成器;它是由德国BiteTheBytes设计开发,该软件的程序性比较强大,让您可以完全根据自己的需求来对地形、景观生成您需要三维模型,不管是大家经常看见的三路还是不常见的梯田、小行星等,都能通过该软件快速的生成;内置的大量过滤器,让您的创建拥有无限的可能性,每一个需要使用的过滤器里面,都能对相关的参数设置,用户设计的过程里面,对整个设计的过程里面完全的控制!
Everything is real-time.
Ultra-Fast and fluid performance – What you do is what you see.
World Creator is the world’s first real-time Terrain and Landscape Generator that performs all its generation and design processes entirely on the GPU using thousands of cores combining procedural power with creative freedom and efficiency of a real-time workflow.
Increase your productivity.
Be more creative than ever before.
With a real-time workflow, you have lots of room for experiemntation, which means low-stakes creation that saves immense amounts of money and time. Get ready to close the gap between your ideas and your final product – this is terrain and landscape generation light years ahead.
Unbeaten procedural power.
Transform and erode – let World Creator make it looking real.
World Creators unique and powerful generator allows you to apply and combine many different kind of filters to modify the terrain you created or imported from another source.
Erode, create rivers and lakes, apply sediments, transform, stylize, simulate water flow and sediment transport as well as sediment deposit, and so much more, entirely in real-time.
Powerful design capabilities.
Draw anytime anything, anywhere.
Create roads, rivers, lakes, plateaus, terraces, raise mountains, and more – or just draw the shape you want by hand or use custom height-maps and real-world data to stamp your terrain.
The terrain and landscape editing capabilities allow you to draw any filter such as erosion and sedimentation up to textures, blend-maps or even 3D models such as trees and rocks and many more that World Creator has to offer.