本教程是关于人体运动力学动态姿势制定动画大师级视频教程,时长:6小时,大小:5.7 GB,Mp4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:TVP animation pro,附源文件,共49个章节,语言:英语。RRCG分享
tvp animation pro 10是法国TVPaint公司推出的一款非常优秀的2D动画制作软件,也是目前互联网上创造2d动画最好的专业解决方案。软件有着将传统动画与数位世界所有优点相互结合的工作流程而构成的工作环境,设计人员可以在单一的应用程式完成绘画、动画、特效效果等功能,轻松绘制出单纯的手绘2d动画。目前软件已经全新升为tvpaint animation 10 pro,完美支持psd文件图层导入,支持avi视频逐帧导入,支持多种图像和视频音频格式,功能甚至完全超越了flash软件,可以让用户花更多的时间和精力进行构思和创意,从而最大程度的达到你预期的视觉效果。
An 8-week course for developing body mechanic shots while utilizing industry techniques to create strong, polished animations
Understand dynamic body mechanics
Understanding body mechanics is one of the most important aspects of animation. In this 8 week course Kyle will take you step by step through his process for creating appealing, dynamic body mechanic shots. Kyle will teach you many useful techniques to help further develop your animation skill set including: finding reference, creating dynamic poses, working out timing, polishing tips, and more!! You will create 2 shots during this workshop and Kyle will guide you along the way, critiquing your work to help you create the best shots possible.